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See the Vic. AI platform in action

Recorded September 26, 2023


Dive into 30 minutes of actionable insights with our on-demand demo webinar that showcases the future of accounting—driven by AI. Leave behind the drudgery of manual labor as Vic.ai's cutting-edge technology takes charge of coding and reviewing multiple line items in real-time.

What you'll see:

  • Swift Invoice Management: Witness the effortless uploading, coding, and posting of invoices—all in a matter of minutes.

  • Accuracy and Confidence: Discover how our AI technology operates with varying levels of confidence to ensure meticulous actions, providing your Accounts Payable team the information needed for data validation.

  • Expert Guidance: Have questions? Our industry experts will share their wisdom and answer any queries you have during this insightful session.

Revolutionize your accounting workflow and stay ahead in this digital age. Commit just 30 minutes of your time to explore the groundbreaking capabilities of Vic.ai's AI-driven tools.

Unlock the potential of AI in accounting—watch the webinar now!



Max is a firm believer in Marc Andreessen's groundbreaking concept that "software is eating the world." With an unwavering passion for the potential of AI and technological innovation, Max is helping enterprise companies to leverage cutting-edge AI technology to optimize processes, boost efficiency, and deliver tangible results.