The Summer of AI - Email Headers (600 x 400 px)

It’s hot. It’s refreshing. It's what everyone's talking about. It’s the Summer of AI, a conversation series with AI experts, tech founders, and financial leaders all trailblazing paths toward operational efficiency and autonomy.

Join us this summer for a series of three engaging sessions hosted by, where you'll gain expert insight on AI and its impact on finance and accounting.

What to expect:

  • Unpacking AI from a 360° CFO perspective We'll explore the appeal and apprehensions of using AI with leading CFOs, and dig into AI safety and data privacy, how it works, and much more.

  • Exploring new trends and innovations in Accounts Payable — We'll examine what innovations are on the horizon for accounting and finance, and share the latest trends in AI and automation technology.

  • Sharing a real AI adoption journey — We'll see how one finance organization adopted AI and leveraged the technology to improve their operations, including solving business pains, the organizational and team impact, and lessons learned.

Summer of AI Events Calendar

July 18

Forecasting the Future: Rise of the AI Accountant

Learn how AI is set to revolutionize the role of accountants and the back office function. We'll showcase pioneering companies harnessing AI assistants, explore insights from innovative tech founders on the future trajectory of AI, and discuss the transformative impact of AI on AP functions, team dynamics, operational strategies, and organizational growth.

August 15

Exploring AI: A 360° CFO Perspective 

Join us to unpack common AI myths, hear perspectives from AI and non-AI adopters alike, and discuss concerns about implementing AI from the desk of today’s CFO. We'll explore main apprehensions around deploying AI in accounting, discuss concerns for data security and privacy, and weigh the accuracy and reliability benefits of AI solutions vs human performance.

September 19

Real Stories, Real Impact: Our AI Accounting Journey

Get a first-hand perspective on a customer's adoption journey of AI technology in AP. Learn more about the operational pains, challenges with prior systems and processes, and uncertainty around AI before deciding to invest in a new tool. Fast-forward to today, and see the improvements in accuracy, and hear about lessons learned and efficiencies gained.

Featured Speakers and Panelists

Alexander Hagerup

Co-Founder and CEO

Kevin Frechette

Co-Founder and CEO

Anand Desai

VP, Finance

Stefan van Duyvendijk

Accounting Operations Evangelist

Mark Fisher

SVP, Marketing

Additional panelists

(coming soon)

Additional panelists

(coming soon)